August 30, 2012

Pasta for One

In all honesty I'm not so sure that this counts as a recipe. My husband was finishing off the last of the leftover Cafe Rio Salads and I was looking around the kitchen wondering what to eat and I found a half of a garden zucchini, garlic and some cherry tomatoes and thought that would make a fresh and tasty meal.

This vague recipe is enough for one person but could easily be adapted for two or more people. 

2 frozen chicken tenders
1/2 tsp Italian seasonings
sprinkle of Lawry's season salt and onion powder
6 cherry tomatoes, quartered
1/2 cup chopped zucchini
1 1/2 clove garlic (or 1 large clove), minced
1/8 tsp salt
4 cranks of fresh ground pepper
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, enough to coat the veggies
3 tbsp grated/shredded Parmesan
Splash of heavy cream
Linguine noodles 

Mince garlic, quarter tomatoes, chop zucchini then toss all 3 ingredients together on to a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil and toss with the 1 tbsp of olive oil until lightly coated. Sprinkle salt and pepper over the veggies and put them in the oven under the broiler for about 5 - 10 minutes until soft and slightly charred. Check frequently during that 5 -10 minutes to make sure they aren't burning and stir mixture.

Cook the chicken in a small frying pan. Season with Lawry's , onion powder and Italian seasoning. Cook completely and let sit. 

Cook linguine noodles according to package directions. 

Chop chicken into bite size pieces and add to the broiled veggies. Drain the pasta, add the veggies and chicken directly into the hot pasta pot and stir until combined. Add the Parmesan and a splash of heavy cream to the noodles, just enough to make a light coating on your noodles. Pour the pasta into a bowl and add salt and pepper to taste. DELISH!

Notes: I think this is a pretty basic pasta that you could adapt to create anything you'd like. If you'd like more sauce I would recommend adding a little more cream, cheese and possibly even some chicken stock. 

Recipe: The Gregarious Glutton