August 28, 2013

Look Who's Here!

Introducing: Ms. Cora!
Oh my goodness, it has certainly been a while! I've had my hands full this last month with our sweet baby girl. Actually, my hands are currently full right now...I'm typing with two fingers while feeding said baby...It's not as easy as you would think - she's a squirmy little bugger. To say that my priorities had changed when I got pregnant was an understatement. Instead of updating this blogola I was obsessed with everything pregnancy and baby. I worked on making a book of memories just for my sweet Cora. I kept a journal, took pictures and then digitally documented every week of my pregnancy; all FOURTY ONE of them! Yeah, that's another story... I plan to get them all printed into a book for her. It will be such a cool thing for her when she is older and it will hold such sweet memories for me and the husbandito as we look back on our first experiences as young parents. So far all I have done is her birth announcement that I made through Shutterfly; I already can't believe how much she's grown!

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