March 01, 2013

French Dip

Oh hey there! Where ya been? ...oh, wait, that was me. Awkward... In all honesty I've been taking the easy way out for the last little while. I still have the a bunch of recipes and photos from the last few months but I've just been too lazy to post. AND... no lie, the babe is kind of preoccupying my mind lately, can you blame me? Motherhood is going to be a huge, crazy, terrifying change and I'm kind of obsessed with planning out my life. SO... the good old blogola fell off my radar. 

Now I'm back with a super duper easy recipe. First you'll need to whip up a batch of my favorite Crusty Artisan Bread  and just break it down into 4- 6 smaller loaves. Easy right?

Good deli roast beef  (I like mine more on the rare side)
Sandwich sliced provolone cheese or swiss cheese
I pkg Au jus 

A small pinch of thyme and garlic thrown into the au jus

Follow directions for Crusty Artisan Bread. Instead of making two larger loaves make 4 - 6  smaller loaves. Make sure when you form your loaves you make them into a submarine shape so you can have a good size sandwich.

Cook au jus on stove top per package directions,set aside.

When bread is finished baking and mostly cooled slice in half and load it up with roast beef and cheese (and if you want some butter on the side of the bread without meat, do it to it!) then place under your broiler until cheese is melted and bubbly. 

Serve hot and thank me later. 
Ps. Because we were having a super healthy evening I may have made some shoe sting french fries. Totally delicious and oh so right.

Notes: You don't have to make the bread. Instead you could buy some and toast it up really good - but, seriously, the homemade bread really makes it special. 

Recipe: The Gregarious Glutton, Crusty Artisan Bread

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