November 28, 2012

Lazy 10 Minute Weeknight Meal

Is it just me or does anyone else feel like time is starting to slip away at night - especially during the holidays. Which is all the more reason to skip the gourmet meals for an evening... not to mention all the calories that a gourmet meal carries. 

Also, in the winter it's getting dark early and right when I get home from work we need to take the dog out before it's too dark to see him then it's time to get dinner ready and I just feel like going to bed... you can call me LAZY BONES. 

Aidells Chicken Apple Sausages - 1 per person, sliced on diagonal
1 Roma tomato, diced
1 Tbsp fresh parsley, chopped
Fresh Parmesan for topping pasta 
1 Box Parmesan Pasta-Roni (you'll need milk, butter, water)
(See I told you...LAZY)

Warm/brown sausages in a skillet, over medium heat. Cook Pasta-Roni according to box directions (takes about 10 minutes). While sausage is warming and pasta is cooking dice the tomato and chop the parsley. 

When there is only 1-2 minutes left on the pasta slice your sausages and set aside.

When the pasta is finished cooking serve in a large bowl, add one sausage per person and garnish with diced tomatoes, parsley and Parmesan. 

Serve with a large salad and call it dinner!

NOTES: I'm sure this would also be delicious with chicken seasoned with herbs and garlic. 

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