October 13, 2012

The Greenery's Famous Mormon Muffins

Only 2 of the 4 muffins in this picture survived...the photo shoot. I'm unashamed.

Where I live there is this awesome little place called Rainbow Gardens. My family and I have been going to Rainbow my whole life. My dad even went when he was a kid (swimming). Over the years this Ogden landmark has gone through drastic changes. You may now scroll down to the recipe or get a quick history lesson...Ready? Go...

Originally in 1895 the resort was built boasting amenities that included mineral baths, hotel, dinning rooms and dance halls. It later burned down in 1927. 

In 1928 an entrepreneur bought and rebuilt the resort - this time in brick; it was renamed "El Monte Springs" This time around the resort featured mineral baths, a 100,000 gallon swimming pool and a grand ballroom.  Unfortunately the Great Depression put an end to El Monte and it shut it's doors in 1932.

In 1946, Ogden's Cowboy, Mayor Peery purchased the dormant building and he renamed it Riverside Gardens. It was once again used for swimming and dancing.

In 1946, the resort was turned over to the Mayor's son-in-law and daughter (the King family). The Kings changed the name one last time to Rainbow Gardens. They began restoration on the Victorian spa and for 25 years Rainbow Gardens operated as a resort that featured indoor swimming pools, a ballroom and 18 bowling lanes.

In 1970 Rainbow Imports was opened in the ballroom. It featured gifts from all around the world. In 1975 the swimming pool was renovated and turned into the sunken "Gift Garden". The following spring The Greenery Restaurant opened, and remains open to this day.

In 1996 Rainbow Lanes Bowling was turned into Planet Rainbow another gift shop featuring one of  Utah's largest collection of 'Utah Books', regional souvenirs and gifts.

Today, Rainbow Gardens is still owned by the King family and thrives with good food, gifts and fun.
Photo/info credit:Rainbow Gardens

The end.  Phew, you're thinking...Gee thanks, can we get to the recipe now? Nope.

I love this place! When I was young my Dad and I always went bowling, I even had my own ball with my name on it! We were so sad when it was shut down. Rainbow was the first place that my score broke 100! I was so proud! My Dad and I made copies of our score sheet and sent it to my Grandpa Chris. Rainbow is a place full of family memories for me.
My family and I still enjoy going to Rainbow Gardens. My favorite date to take to lunch is my Grandma Chris. She's an amazing, classy lady that used to take me when I was young. (sorry Husbandito...you lost- but I always bring home muffins, right?)

Most recent lunch Date. Aunt Lindy, Me, Grandma C.

Okay, now to the good stuff, the recipe.
Update: These yeild about 3 dozen muffins.


2 cup boiling water
5 tsp baking soda
1 cup shortening
2 cups sugar
4 large eggs
1 quart buttermilk
5 cups flour
1 tsp salt
4 cups All bran cereal
2 cups 40% bran flakes
1 cup walnuts, chopped

Boil 2 cups of water (I used my tea kettle and poured 2 boiling cups into a bowl) and add baking soda, set aside. In a separate large bowl whip shortening and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time, scrapping down after each addition. Next, add the buttermilk, flour, salt and mix well. Add the soda water VERY slowly, folding it into the mixture. Next gently fold in the cereals and walnuts.

Muffin mix must sit in the refrigerator over night before baking. Muffin mix will last one week, covered and refrigerated.

Then next morning the batter will change from runny to an almost pudding like state, this means you're ready.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Prep your muffin tins by either greasing or using paper cups. Scoop enough batter into the tins to fill them up 1/4 of a inch from the top - about 1/2 cup. If you have time let them sit at room temperature for 15 minutes or so before baking.

Bake for 30 minutes, let cool 5 minutes and enjoy with honey butter!

Notes: The only thing I changed in the recipes instructions is how much to put in each muffin cup. I also don't bake all of the muffins at once. I currently have 1/2 half of this gigantic recipe sitting in my refrigerator and I bake them up after dinner or, if I have the day off work, first thing in the morning fresh for breakfast. YUM... Nothing like pulling these bad boys out of the oven and covering them in honey butter and eating the whole pan by yourself... DELISH!

Recipe: From Rainbow Gardens

More notes:
Honey Butter:
There is a delicious brand of honey butter in utah called "Utah's Own Honey Butter". If I had that brand of honey butter I would have used it- but I just don't love going to the grocery. So, I'm not saying this is the best recipe but I used:
1 stick softened butter
1/4 cup honey
1/8 tsp vanilla
I mixed it up with a fork and because I couldn't wait eat a hot muffin :) - husband thought it was tasty too.


  1. Grrrrrrrr.
    Already left this once.... Stupid ELECTRONICS.

    I LOVE that puncture of You, Aunt Linda & Grandma Chris!!
    And I love those muffins. Heaven knows I have eaten enough of them. I don't think I realized you could keep the batter in the fridge. I like that! How many do you think it will make?

    Aunt Jacque..... ;-) You should totally make these...they are yummy!!

  2. Thank you for this! I didn't think I'd find the actual Greenery's Mormon muffins so I just searched for Mormon muffins and here you are...going to give it a try. I hope it's the same! 😊

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. sorry... I just looked at your recipe again and it wasn't yours that had extra spice ingredients
    or the 1/8 cup batter...sorry about that

  5. Are there 2 types of brand cereal? What are great examples of the type(s) of cereals to use?

    1. I used original All-bran and then Kroger brand wheat flakes.


Hey! Thanks for leaving me some love!