October 26, 2012

Individual Oreo Cheesecakes

Ever have one of those days when you want to binge on an entire box of Oreo cookies? Yeah, me too... However, I held back for the sole purpose of wanting to binge on these little Oreo cheesecakes. 

This all came about when I found a coupon for Oreo cookies in the Sunday paper. I was so excited when I actually remembered to take the coupon with me when I went to the grocery store. Then I realized that in order to get the discount I had to buy three boxes...Hmmm, worth it? I'm a sucker.  Then when I got home and began to unpack the groceries (and proceeded to eat a row of cookies) I realized that I had about six packages of cream cheese sitting in one of my refrigerator drawers and then *ding* I remembered that I had an awesome recipe! ...and that helped me to stop eating the cookies.

These mini cheesecakes are rich and creamy with a delicious Oreo crust. They are a great make ahead dessert and impress everyone who gets a bite!

(makes approx 30-36)

56 Oreo Cookies, (36 left whole, 20 coarsely chopped)
2 pounds of cream cheese, room temperature
1 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla 
4 large eggs, room temperature, lightly beaten
1 cup sour cream
Salt, just a pinch

Preheat oven to 275 degrees F.

Line a muffin tin with paper cups. Place one whole Oreo in the bottom of each paper cup, set aside.
Coarsely chop approx. 20 more cookies, set aside.

Using a mixer, beat the cream cheese until smooth, scraping down the sides of your bowl as you go. Add the sugar and vanilla and beat until combined. Scrape down bowl and then slowly drizzle in your lightly beaten eggs; mixing until incorporated. Next mix in the sour cream and salt. Once well combined stir in the coarsely chopped cookies by hand. 

Divide the batter evenly among the cups, filling each of them to the top. Bake 22 minutes, rotating  the pan halfway through the cook time (11 minutes). Cool completely then refrigerate for at least four hours until filling is completely set.  Serve cold. 

Notes: If you can't wait to eat one of these little cakes pop a couple in the freezer and check back in about an hour - Mmmm... totally worked.

Recipe: slightly adapted from Just Cook Already

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